The following APIs or code fragments are used in the Weather and Climate Toolkit:
Java Advanced Imaging (JAI) - Java Imaging Manipulation Library
GeoTools - OPEN GIS Mapping environment
Vivid Solutions' Java Topology Suite (JTS) - OPEN GIS Geometry Library
NetCDF for Java - NetCDF for Java Library along with GRIB/Radar/HDF decoders
Apache Commons - Reusable Java components from the Apache Foundation
JGoodies - Custom Look and Feel
Faidon Image Toolkit - Image Export in PNG, PICT, BMP, TIFF and Targa Formats
Open Source Physics - Animated GIF and Apple Quicktime Export
HTTPClient - Support for HTTP Protocol
Foxtrot - Java Swing Threads
ncWMS - WMS for NetCDF project
JavaMorph - 'Picture merging by interpolated deformation'