Storm Events Database

The database currently contains data from January 1950 to April 2024, as entered by NOAA's National Weather Service (NWS). Due to changes in the data collection and processing procedures over time, there are unique periods of record available depending on the event type. The following timelines show the different time spans for each period of unique data collection and processing procedures. Select below for detailed decriptions of each data collection type.

Event Types Available:
Event Types Available:
Add more info about event types here. Link to collections page/tab when referencing data collection source.

1. Tornado: From 1950 through 1954, only tornado events were recorded.

2. Tornado, Thunderstorm Wind and Hail: From 1955 through 1992, only tornado, thunderstorm wind and hail events were keyed from the paper publications into digital data. From 1993 to 1995, only tornado, thunderstorm wind and hail events have been extracted from the Unformatted Text Files.

3. All Event Types (48 from Directive 10-1605): From 1996 to present, 48 event types are recorded as defined in NWS Directive 10-1605.