Image for 2005 Significant U.S. Hurricanes Strikes Poster

2005 Significant U.S. Hurricanes Strikes Poster

Name Retail Price Online Store Price Quantity
POS-2005 Sig Hurricanes $15.00 $15.00

The 2005 Significant U.S. Hurricane Strikes poster is one of two special edition posters for the Atlantic Hurricanes. This beautiful poster contains two sets of images of five hurricanes that impacted the United States in 2005, namely Katrina, Ophelia, Rita and Wilma. The images were created from NOAA's geostationary and polar-orbiting environmental satellites. In addition to the images, the poster has a map depicting the general track of each storm, a color temperature scale to read the hurricane cloud top temperatures, high level information on each storm, the category at time of landfall; as well as, a Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale.