# ----------------------------------------------------- # 1) Run WCT program to export to a GIS format # ----------------------------------------------------- # Export data to ASCII Grid format, using testdata from NCDC $WCT_HOME/wct http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/nexradviewer/testdata/nexrad-level3/7000KCLE_SDUS51_N0RCLE_200211102304 7000KCLE_SDUS51_N0RCLE_200211102304.asc asc wctBatchConfig.xml # Real-time example # $WCT_HOME/wct http://weather.noaa.gov/pub/SL.us008001/DF.of/DC.radar/DS.p19r0/SI.ktwx/sn.last ktwx-r0.asc asc wctBatchConfig.xml # ----------------------------------------------------- # Run Mapserver utility shp2img to create map # ----------------------------------------------------- shp2img -m testMap.map -d NEXRAD 7000KCLE_SDUS51_N0RCLE_200211102304.asc -o testMap.png -i png -e -84.0 38.5 -80.0 42.5 -s 800 800 # ----------------------------------------------------- # Tips: # ----------------------------------------------------- # 1) Configure the extent in the wctBatchConfig.xml file to match the extent # used by the shp2img utility # # 2) Take advantage of the extensive Mapserver styling and data format support # to create powerful, customized maps!