Monthly Report Web Service

Service Files

The NCEI Monthly Report Web Service returns a file with the following request endpoint:

/access/monitoring/monthly-report/service/ report / file / id / date-t . ext


  • report: the report associated with the file (national, drought, fire, snow, tornadoes, synoptic, global, global-drought, global-regions, upper-air, tropical-cyclones, global-snow, hazards, enso)
  • file: the file being referenced
  • date: can consist of a single date, or a date range separated by a hyphen ("-"). Dates can be a 4-digit year (yyyy), a 4-digit year followed by a 2-digit month (yyyymm), or a 4-digit year and a 2-digit month followed by a 2-digit day (yyyymmdd).
  • ext: gif, png, jpg, txt, pdf


  • id (optional): file identifier after file, before date
  • -t: for thumbnail after date

Example 1

Example 1

Example 2

Example 2

Example 3

Example 3

Example 4

Example 4

Example 5


Report Dates

Report Dates are available with the following request endpoint:

/access/monitoring/monthly-report/service/ report / date-request


  • report: the report associated with the date request (national, drought, fire, snow, tornadoes, synoptic, global, global-drought, global-regions, upper-air, tropical-cyclones, global-snow, hazards, enso).
    • required when date-request is "last-date"
    • optional when date-request is "report-dates.json"
    • prohibited when date-request is "last-dates.json"
  • date-request
    • "report-dates.json": returns a JSON object of all report dates
    • "last-dates.json": returns a JSON object of all reports' last report dates
    • "last-date": returns the specified report's last report date


All Available Report Dates

All Reports' Last Report Dates

A Single Report's Available Report Dates

A Single Report's Last Report Date

A Single Report's Last Non-annual Report Date