Historical Observing Metadata Repository

The Historical Observing Metadata Repository (HOMR) is NCEI's integrated station history database that provides in situ or land-based station metadata in support of NCEI research, reporting, data products, and web applications. HOMR tracks detailed information for a variety of weather stations throughout their lifespans, including identifiers, names, locations, observation times, reporting methods, photos, and equipment modifications and siting. Station histories are most extensive for the National Weather Service (NWS) Cooperative Observing Program, and they include officially documented station changes that adhere to an NWS approval process. Use the search below to access these historical station details.

Miscellaneous Station Reports

WBAN, Weather-Bureau-Army-Navy

WBAN numbers were the first major attempt at a coordinated station numbering scheme among several weather reporting authorities. Original participants in the WBAN number plans were the United States Weather Bureau, Air Force, Navy, and Army, and the Canadian Department of Transportation. Selected German and Korean stations in close cooperation with the US Weather Services are also included. This list is updated monthly.

  • wbanmasterlist.zip / Layout
    Last updated 3 weeks ago.

    This is the official WBAN master station list. WBAN is a five-digit station identifier used at NCEI for digital data storage and general station identification purposes. It is an acronym, invented in the 1950's, which stands for Weather-Bureau-Army-Navy. WBAN identifiers are officially assigned and managed at NCEI.
  • wbanmasterlist.psv.zip
    Last updated 3 weeks ago. This is a pipe-delimited version of the same report.
Other Networks

The following are current text files of COOP, LCD, NEXRAD, USCRN, USRCRN, AL USRCRN, AWOS and ASOS station lists. Each file consists of the station IDs, station names, and their locations (including latitude/longitude, elevation).

  • coop-stations.txt / Layout

    Google Earth - COOP / Google Earth - HPD / Google Earth - COOP/HPD Collocated
    Last updated 3 weeks ago. A fixed-length text summary listing of current U.S. NWS Cooperative Network stations, including identifiers, flags for whether they participate in the Cooperative Observation/Summary of Day (COOP/SOD) or Hourly Precipitation (HPD) programs, and the latest known location information. The Google Earth files offer separate mappings of Cooperative Observation stations (COOP/SOD), Hourly Precipitation Data stations (HPD), and collocated stations between both programs.
  • lcd-stations.txt / Layout / Google Earth
    Last updated 3 weeks ago. A fixed-length text summary listing of current Local Climatological Data (LCD) stations, including identifiers and the latest known location information.
  • nexrad-stations.txt / Layout / Google Earth
    Last updated 3 weeks ago. A fixed-length text summary listing of current NEXRAD radar stations, including identifiers and the latest known location information.
  • crn-stations.txt / Layout / Google Earth
    Last updated 3 weeks ago. A fixed-length text summary listing of current Climate Reference Network (USCRN) stations, including identifiers and the latest known location information.
  • alrcrn-stations.txt / Layout / Google Earth
    Last updated 3 weeks ago. A fixed-length text summary listing of current Alabama Climate Reference Network (AL USRCRN) stations, including identifiers and the latest known location information.
  • awos-stations.txt / Layout / Google Earth
    Last updated 3 weeks ago. A fixed-length text summary listing of current Automated Weather Observing System (AWOS) stations, including identifiers and the latest known location information.
  • asos-stations.txt / Layout / Google Earth
    Last updated 3 weeks ago. A fixed-length text summary listing of current Automated Surface Observing System (ASOS) stations, including identifiers and the latest known location information.